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4:16pm 17-10-2010
hey luke if your reading these you really should go back home.your whole family is missing you.im a mom my self so i would be missing you if i were a mom of you that had a lost kid.so you need to go back home to see your family.
4:08pm 17-10-2010
im so sorry about the lost.i bet you miss him a lot i know i would.im a mom my self.i will do any thing to find him.
2:55pm 17-10-2010
Luke Smith
I was at Oxford train station yesterday when I saw the find Luke Poster.
I really hope the lad will be found. I am 26 years of age so really not that much older than him. It just all sounds so bizarre. I hope he is safe! From his photos he look a really happy guy. I wish Lukes family my regards and really hope he is found soon!
3:04pm 16-10-2010
Catherine Clark
Here we are again....months since my last email and still no news. This is such a dire situation. The news of Luke's disappearance has affected me so much. Being the parent of two girls, around Luke's age, I just find this situation so desperately sad. It's been four years now...but, as a mum, I know Nicki can't just leave it there. As parents we love our children, without reserve. So I would say to Nicki and family....ignore negative comments and just be aware of all the parents who share your pain and desperately hope for a positive outcome to all of this. You are SO STRONG....and I would love for you to be able to have answers to your questions....in the meantime, there are so many people who care about what you're going through...no one more than me. Keep the hope alive. Kindest regards Catherine
11:28am 16-10-2010
Can't believe nobody's ever come forward to offer conclusive evidence. Somebody out there must know something...? A person, be they alive or sadly otherwise, cannot physically dissappear on their own, not in the middle of a built up area. I only hope somebody's conscience gets the better of them before too long so at least his family can have answers and know what to do with them. I wsih you peace and happiness.
9:40pm 13-10-2010
Hello, have been following Luke's dissappearence for a while and still see no reason? I wish all his family the best and hope you find him soon. Sincerely, Jim, Sheringham.
7:38pm 17-09-2010
Catherine Clark
Taking another look at the website...four years after Luke's disappearance..I'm so sad that there isn't any news concerning his whereabouts. It's just so unbelievable that someone can disappear and no one knows where. So, once again I feel that Luke's family must be so special to be coping with all of this.You are all a true beacon of strength, but hey...how I wish you had the answers to his whereabouts. I think you're amazing, but I wish you didn't have to suffer so. I'll keep hoping, I know you do too.
3:33pm 16-09-2010
Saw a poster in Truro train station today and visited the site. I really hope you find him.
8:50pm 30-08-2010
I saw a find Luke poster as the train pulled into a station today, just thought i would say that i really hope Luke is safe, and that you find him safe and well very soon. xxx
1:20pm 27-08-2010
Saw a FIND LUKE poster outside Asda in hyson green in nottingham yesterday, it reminds me to never forget!
Thinking of you all xxxx
2:07pm 19-08-2010
I've seen the Lukes eyes posters at a couple of different stations in London, in Stratford and in Winchmore Hill where I live. I can't imagine what you must be going through, I imagine the hardest thing is the absoloute blankness of it all - not knowing a think. I really hope that Luke is safe,and that one day, very soon I hope, he comes back to you, or you at least find out where he is and what happened. Good luck xx
3:21am 19-08-2010
Charlottee Golledge
Hey, there i dont know luke or his family but i will pray for him to come home safely..
and i pray that he's some where safe and well i know i dont know him or his family but i feel and want to support his family i feel for his family and my heart goes out to him and his family im only 16 but i feel as though i want to help if thats okay with lukes family id like to meet them and speak to them.
4:00am 08-08-2010
I think the effort put in finding this young man is beautiful. I wish you the best of luck in your search. I hope wherever Luke is he is well and happy.
3:13pm 04-08-2010
Hi just seen the poster of Lukes eyes in asda in hull. Hope ya find him soon, seems these posters are up and down the country
12:48am 01-07-2010
I've seen the poster of Luke's eyes at two stations, most recently in London. I always thought his eyes were beautiful. My thoughts are with him and the family, I hope you find him soon. Never give up.

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